
  • 布鲁斯·班纳的表妹珍妮佛·沃特斯,作为刑事律师的她在一次重伤后接受了班纳的输血而产生异变,成为了女浩克。
  • Agatha's in need of a well-earned break and with Christmas just around the corner it looks like the perfec…
  • A revenge tale about a former college student who forges essays for cash, the client who becomes her lover…
  • RUSSELL MADNESS tells the story of Russell, an undersized but big-hearted terrier who dreams of having a f…
  • 1221年,印度公主莫拉丧生,在举行葬时她桂冠上的血宝石留了下来。多年来,为了寻找血宝石,多少人为她付出死亡的…
  • 洛杉矶警探乔瑟夫是个标准败类,嗑药嗑得比谁都勤快,调查命案不忘顺手牵羊,更枉顾家中妻小,专搞迷人可爱的阻街…
  • 1975年的《大君主》这部电影正正是描写D-day 1944.6.6盟军二战最大的诺曼底“大君主”登陆行动,由斯图尔特·库珀…
  • <p>yle=color: rgb(17, 17, 17); f>《吹哨人:美国体操队性侵丑闻追踪》跟随《印第安纳波利斯星报》记者的…